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      So Sensitive?! Why Sensitivity Is A Gift

      by Carolyn Coleridge,MSW 
    (Reprinted with permission from the author)

You are too sensitive. Don't be so sensitive!Many people on the spiritual path have heard this criticism over and over again. It is usually meant as a put-down to someone who has a high sense of intuition and a sixth sense 'knowing'. This comment is usually stated with disdain and contempt as a major flaw in an individual's personality. In fact many lightworkers have heard these words,especially as children and it has caused them to close down this gift."Toughen up. you need thicker skin",usually follows as a comment quickly after to shame and dismiss the individuals' perceptions.

Sensitives are usually quite gifted intuitive spirits as they pick up the less perceived sensations of life. Lightworkers on the planet have heard this comment a lot because they are generally trying to raise their vibrations as they evolve towards spiritual mastery. If you are on a conscious spiritual path you become more intuitive. Intuition,I believe,is God's voice. To hear it you must be sensitive. Spirit speaks to us daily in quiet synchronistic whispers. Sensitives have the ability to perceive the subtle nuances of truth in the physical plane. Hopefully they pick these signals up,follow them and begin to connect to their soul's conscious growth and begin to live more fulfilling and abundant lives.

Lightworkers,who are Spiritual teachers and healers,or those seeking truth,have a conscious plan to raise the vibration of the planet and bring in more positive qualities of kindness,goodness,love and compassion. They also have to balance the warring yin and yang energies that are on the planet. Yin,the more feminine principle is receptive,intuitive,nurturing and healing. Yang the more active principle is assertive,pioneering,instinctual and creative. When harmonious,these energies dance together manifesting birth and death,darkness and light. In conflict they create,evil,abuse,terror and chaos. You must have both energies co-creating to move toward wholeness in the physical realm.

As a psychotherapist and healer for the last ten years,I have noticed that sensitive people are often the ones who are emotionally abused by others. Their sensitivity is viewed as a weakness. Intuitive sensitives are sometimes the kinder spirits who fight for animals' rights,want to spread peace or speak out against child abuse. Since they have been criticized for just being who they are,they often close down and lead sad isolated lives of denying emotions in their soul. The bullies and the abusers,entities that are heralding the dark energies,don't want to lose their ego oriented existence,so they harass the sensitives so they can keep the veil of darkness alive. The ego thrives on chaos. The sensitives are here to pull the curtain back on the wizard,to reveal the trickster and shine a light on the darkness. Mother Earth and Father God are asking us to start speaking the truth to restore heaven on earth. It is the mission of many,you have heard the call,now it is time to honor your gift of sensitivity. Sensitive people will bring this planet towards a higher vibration. So we need the armies of sensitives to trust their guts,create their dreams,fulfill their missions and listen to the intuitive voice of God and not the abusive voice of the darkness. You were made sensitive for reason,be proud of it!

The universe is supporting you,but sensitives must protect themselves from the harsh energies on the planet. Here are some easy ways to do this.

1)Trust your Gut and start to believe the still small voice that is inside of you. Praise yourself when you intuit something and you were right. Always honor your spirit.

2)Speak your truth. Sensitives must not hold in their emotions. It becomes toxic to their bodies as negative feelings lay dormant in the body temple. Let out the negativity in constructive healing ways.

3)Protect yourself from negative energies. This can be removing toxic people from your life. Getting out of abusive relationships or situations. Trying to be more positive and inspiring to others instead of critical and pessimistic.

4)Meditate regularly,with grounding exercises. Meditation raises your vibrations and heightens your intuition. You begin to get stronger with your gut instincts and receive more messages on how to create your life purpose. As you live your life purpose,you feel less tired and depressed and more uplifted. Your sensitivity becomes a gift as you now have a focus and reason for being here.

5)Connect with God. Say prayers and ask God questions. What do you want me to learn today? What is the higher purpose of this? How can I serve? God likes to hear us speak to him/her. I believe he created us so she could see his/her own expression and become more inspired…so don't leave him hanging!

6)Receive energy work. Reiki,pranic healing,acupuncture,or massage. Sensitives must work with their energies and remove toxins that build up in their energy fields. It is like a shower for your auric field. Sage and incense also clears energy in your home,since sensitives have a tendency to be psychic sponges,you need to remove the maladaptive energies. Don't forget about getting into nature,a great energy clearer.

7)Find your life purpose. You are sensitive for one reason. To hear the source. God has a plan for everyone on this planet and it mostly coincides with yours. The more sensitive you are the more likely you have a heightened antennae to the source. Don't cloud that transmission. Tune in to KGOD- Keep Good Open Dialogue. It's a great Radio station that can help you feel fulfilled -. receive your daily inspirational messages.

8)Keep the Yin and Yang Balanced,especially the qualities of Gratitude and Forgiveness. Gratitude,puts you in a positive space to attract better outcomes. And like the Yin energy,pulls in better life outcomes. Forgiveness is about actively releasing negative energy. To give forth. The yang is about actively releasing stagnant emotions. Energy must be in balance for Lightworkers and sensitives. There has to be a flow. Leave the swamps for the egoic alligators of the world. Stuck in their own muck.

With the light acceleration on the planet,sensitivity is absolutely necessary to listen and pull down the higher vibrations. These vibrations are full of light and love and of beautiful qualities .To be an open channel to divine expression,whether it be art,music,writing or inspiration you must be sensitive. So next time,someone criticizes you by saying,"You are so sensitive!"Say yes,I need to be to hear God's voice,it is the quiet whisper on the planet and I don't want to miss my loving instructions. Unlike you I don't want to mute the sound!Okay you can be a little nicer than that,but they will get the point. Yes I am soo sensitive that I hear and live the truth. Much love and blessings Lightworkers!

Carolyn Coleridge,MSW,is a Spiritual Intuitive Counselor and Healer,with 10 years experience. She is available for Counseling Sessions,readings and healing work. She is a member of The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology(ACEP)and Healing Consultant @UCLA Pediatric Pain Clinic. Contact her at 323-954-6895 or visit her website at  
http://www.lavendarlite.tripod.com .

                                             Are You an Indigo?

                                                             By Jennifer K. Avery
                                              (reprinted with permission from the author)

There's a lot of information available these days about"Indigo Children."A variety of books -- and even a few movies -- now cover the subject. Indigos are known for being highly sensitive. Many sensitive souls wonder if they might be Indigos,too.

The answer is: maybe.

According to Pamala Oslie,author of the book"Life Colors,"each of us is born with an aura color that is a life-long color. These life colors influence how we live,how careers best suit us,and how we interact in relationships,among other things. We also take on different colors in the outer layers of our energy fields,depending on what we are doing at any given time. These are the colors typically seen when we take aura pictures.

Indigos are people from one of many possible life colors,several of which are also highly sensitive. Other sensitive colors include Blue,Violet,Lavender,Crystal,Yellow,and Sensitive Tan. According to Oslie and other respected authors,more Indigos have been born in the last 30 years or so than at any other time period so far on our planet. It's an Indigo baby boom.

This doesn't mean that every single person under the age of 29 is an Indigo. It simply means that in the younger age group,there is a stronger likelihood of a person being an Indigo than being another life color. Older sensitives may be Indigos,too,and can be considered pioneers.

We're moving into an Indigo Age,particularly as more Indigos begin to mature and take on positions of authority. The Indigo Age is about living from a higher consciousness.

Like with many people of sensitive life colors,Indigos are spiritual,sensitive,and psychic. Indigos hold a natural affinity for technology. They are also strong and independent. Indigos are born with their spiritual memories intact,which means that they can remember past lives or spiritual interactions in great detail. They aren't particularly comfortable being in a physical body,and they easily become overwhelmed.

Indigos react to overwhelm by withdrawing for protection,or by reacting with hyperactivity. People often misdiagnose Indigos with ADD,ADHD,or other learning disabilities. Instead of helping them understand themselves and their sensitivities,our culture uses medication to"help"Indigos conform to systems that are ultimately unsuitable for their temperament.

Another distinctive characteristic:An Indigo absolutely will not tolerate any form of in -authenticity,dishonesty,manipulation,guilt,or punishment. Indigos don't respond well to the structures of mainstream schools and social systems,for instance,because these systems are simply not truthful or meaningful enough for them. They question and challenge current methods and beliefs,much to the frustration of many people in authority. Indigos feel the need to connect with the meaning of what they are doing,and have to be treated with honesty. When they are not,they feel confused,lost,and deeply unhappy. People of other life colors can also become aware of such travesties,but they are more likely to conform when an authority figures tells them to do so.

To manage their discomfort and rage toward society,many Indigos check out with drugs,alcohol,or computer games. Unfortunately,our culture doesn't teach Indigos how to channel their indignation at the state of the world into positive change. Their frustration can come out in self-destructive ways -- or sadly,even in violent episodes like we've seen recently at Virginia Tech. Those of us who have been involved in social activism can help teach Indigos how to create positive change in the world instead.

As Indigos grow into their power and learn how to manage their gifts,we will transition into the next age,an Indigo Age,focused on creating higher levels of consciousness,peace,and harmony.

In the 1950s,we were in a Blue Age. The Blue life color was dominant. Think of the stereotypical Beaver Cleaver family and you'll get the idea. Blues focus on home,family,and relationships,and tend to be rescuers and caregivers. Blues are highly intuitive,emotional,and sensitive. They are warm,nurturing,and tend to cry easily. Blues are also very spiritual.

Then in the 1960s,the Violet Age began. It continues today,though we are beginning to transition into the Indigo Age. Violets are passionate people who want to change the world for the better. Violets overturn old beliefs. Think about the hippie era with its burgeoning civil rights movements and peace demonstrations and you'll get a sense of what Violets are all about. Violets are sensitive in their passion,emotion,and depth.

According to Dr. Doreen Virtue,another author who writes and speaks about Indigos,our needs and prayers for support have called the Indigos as reinforcements for Violets and other humanitarians,to help create further positive change in the world. As intuitive and visionary leaders,many Violets are adding Indigo to their auras to prepare for what's next. I believe that Violets(and Violet combination colors)may be what Dr. Virtue calls"Lightworkers."

According to Oslie,the other sensitive life colors include Yellows,Sensitive Tans,Crystals,and Lavenders:

* Yellows are fun,sensitive,loving,creative,spontaneous,easy-going,and touchy-feely. Yellows are natural healers and have exuberant energy. Like Indigos,they often get diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. Yellows are very physical creatures.

* Sensitive Tans are Tan with a Blue band. Sensitive Tans combine their analytical abilities with their loving and intuitive abilities. They are quiet,rational,sensitive,and supportive. The description of Sensitive Tans brings to mind the Rational types(NT)in the Myers-Briggs system.

* Crystals are rare,though Dr. Virtue believes there are more being born right now. Crystals are sensitives and healers. They are so sensitive to other people's energy that they need lots of time alone to clear their energy fields. They are the chameleons;they take on other's energies and personalities.

* Lavenders are a delicate sensitive type,focused on fantasy. They tend to be disconnected from their physical bodies and physical reality -- though I do find this with many sensitive types,in general. Lavenders are child-like and creative artists.

Many sensitives who think they are Indigos might actually be Violets or Violet combination colors,like Violet-Yellows or Violet-Blues. The difference is about life purpose:

* Indigos are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness. They are here to show us a better way to live. They tend to operate in life's background.

* Violets are here to help save the planet through spiritual,humanitarian,and environmental causes. Violets tend to work with groups and feel they have a message to give or an important contribution to make during their lifetime. Violets are here to see and be seen.

* Blues are here to focus on teaching and giving love. Blues tend to work one on one. Blues often have a family and a caregiver focus to their lives.

I hope this article helps give you a sense of whether or not you might be an Indigo,or might have one in your life. These important people need our support to fully become themselves,to become connected to their own inner guidance systems,and to find non-judgmental sources of support who can see the gifts they are here to share. We need them!

Copyright 2007,Jennifer K. Avery

Jenna Avery,the Life Coach for Sensitive Souls,offers an original coaching program designed to guide highly sensitive souls to a deep sense of inner rightness,so they are inspired to step forward and shine. You're invited to visit her website at http://www.highlysensitivesouls.comto take her free online assessment,"Is Your Sensitivity Working For You?"


                                       What is an Energy Vampire?

                                                           by Judith Orloff MD

                                              (Used with permission from the author)

Many of us“sensitives”absorb energy from others,particularly negative energy,and get exhausted by it. It’s essential that we learn strategies not to do that. Please refer to my book,"Guide to Intuitive Healing"* in chapter 7 on Centering and Protection for many techniques. In that chapter I also talk about energy vampires,those people who sap our energy. Here’s an introduction to dealing with them which is part of the third step to intuitive healing I discuss in the book. We need to combat these creature so they don’t suck the life from us! 


Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best,we must ask ourselves:Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive,heart-centered people who make us feel safe and secure. It's equally important to pinpoint the energy vampires,who,whether they intend to or not,leech our energy.

Positive energy in others can be rejuvenating . For instance,you're nervous about a job interview,but the minute you meet your prospective boss you relax. He's so calm and welcoming,you calm down too. Or perhaps you have a good friend around whom you always feel loved. These are energy-givers,those we must gravitate towards. 

In contrast,energy vampires exude negative energy that drains. Vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious;others are friendly and charming. For example,you're at a party talking to a perfectly nice person,but suddenly you're nauseous or weak. Or how about the co-worker who drones on about how she broke up with her boyfriend for the tenth time? Eventually,she feels better,but you're spent. The bottom line is that on a subtle energy level these people suck you dry. 


Tips for Dealing With Energy Vampires 

1. Take an inventory of people in your life who give energy,and people who drain. Specifically identify the energy vampires,and begin to evaluate ones you'd like to limit contact with or eliminate. Plan at least one complete afternoon with people who give off positive energy and avoid drainers. Notice how this beneficially affects their physical and emotional well-being.

2. Protect Your Energy:Set Clear Boundaries  It’s crucial to limit the time you spend discussing a vampire’s gripes. When approaching her,remember:the difference between being a bitch and setting boundaries is attitude. Instead of saying,“You’re selfish and self-obsessed,I can’t take you anymore,”which a part of you likely feels,take a breath and shift to your heart. 

3.Meditate. Sitting in meditation is a life-line to your center,to the earth. it will ground you when you’ve been struck by a vampire.  By calming the mind,you can re-align with your essence.  Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Then gently extend your awareness downward to strata,bedrock,minerals,and soil. From the base of your spine begin to feel a continuity with the earth's core. Picture having a long tail that roots in that center.  Allow the earth's energy to infuse your body and stabilize you. If you meditate for five minutes or an hour this is sacred time. 

4. When you’re with vampires you can’t get away from visualize a protective shield of while light surrounding every inch of you. This lets positive energy in,but keeps negative energy out—particularly efficient for vampires at family dinners or social events where you’re trapped. 

Judith Orloff,M.D is a board certified psychiatrist and practicing intuitive,author of the bestsellers,"Second Sight",and"Intuitive Healing",and her latest book"Positive Energy". She is assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and an international workshop leader. 

                                     Emotional Sensitivity&Empathic Ability  

                                                          By Kyra Mesich,Psy.D.*   

Emotional sensitivity is a common character trait. Sensitive people feel emotions deeply,connect with other people's emotions,and make great counselors,teachers,and artists.  Sensitivity should be regarded as positive,but,sadly,in our society it is generally perceived as a weakness.  As sensitive people,we have often wished we were tougher or more 'thick-skinned.   Why is sensitivity so unappreciated and misunderstood?  

You may be surprised to learn the answer lies outside the realm of conventional psychology. Sensitive people are receptive to emotional energy. This happens on a conscious,psychological level,but also on a deeper,psychic level. This deeper aspect of sensitivity is what our modern day society ignores. It is this lack of understanding of the psychic nature of sensitivity that causes problems -- not sensitivity itself.  

Sensitive people are empathic. This means we are receptive to emotional energy from friends,family,coworkers,and even strangers. Because our society does not acknowledge the existence of empathic ability,sensitive people are left with no way to interpret or manage the empathic information received from the people around us. This is the reason so many people describe their sensitivity as painful,and why it can sometimes feel overwhelming.  We have never been taught about the empathic abilities we naturally have,much less how to use or manage the emotional energy we constantly perceive.  

Empathic ability is a psychic,intuitive strength.  But it can only be used to our benefit when we are aware and knowledgeable about its existence. Modern times have managed to keep us in the dark about the psychic gifts our sensitivity represents.  Are you ready to step out into the light?

*Kyra Mesich has a doctoral degree in clinical psychology and has researched the psychic correlates of emotional sensitivity. She is author of "The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide".  www.KyraMesich.com.

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