Holystic Living

".I have filled him with divine breath/spirit (ruah), with ability, intelligence, and knowledge in every kind of craft, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting and in carving wood, in every kind of craft." (Exodus 31:3-4).

"Art is an antidote for violence. It gives the ecstacy, the self-transdence that could otherwise take the form of drug addiction, or terrorism, or suicide or warfare." Rollo May

By Kathy
We are all co-creators with God who is the original artist. Art is a healing path for many. My preferred expression of creativity is my pressed flower art. I have been a member of the World Wide Pressed Flower Guild (WWPFG) for over ten years... have attended two of the international conferences, one in New York, one in California. I got a lot of hands on training in various techniques. Meeting the members in person and getting to know them , and working with them was so much fun. I also have an Etsy shop where I sell my art. On the Pressed Flower Art page here you can see some of my creations.

Prayer for Artists

Bless the creators, O God of creation, who by their gifts make the world a more joyful and beautiful realm. Through their labors they teach us to see more clearly the truth around us.  In their inspiration they call forth wonder and awe in our own living. In their hope and vision they remind usthat life is holy.  Bless all who create in your image,O God of creation.  Pour your Spirit upon them that their hearts may sing and their works be fulfilling.  Amen.


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