Oddball Feelings?


By Patricia B Monroe, PhD  ~  Life Coach


I have to smile at all the comments about oddball feelings we HSP's   have occasionally. I do feel like that myself a lot. Yet, at a family gathering not so long ago, I looked around in a sort of detached way and came up with a totally new definition for oddball. There surrounding me was a room full of the most eclectic "odd" people I have ever seen in one family. I am really laughing now thinking how we are so very different even though genetically connected.

I stood there in the center of all of these people and started laughing to myself. Yes, they thought I was the oddball.  Maybe I am. I have worked very hard these last ten years to do my inner work, and even though I have gotten comfortable with myself, I know it will continue in many forms. That is OK with me, for to not keep learning is to stop growing in wisdom.

Years ago, I started accepting my differences. I went against the family expectations in order to leave a marriage because it was destroying me from the inside out. I decided to live in another country temporarily because it was the only place I knew to get completely away from all the family and in order to find myself again. Then I came home when I knew it was time. I know when I need to get into nature, and do so. I honor my body's needs for healthy food, exercise, and proper supplements. I know that colors have a vibratory pattern that affect me, so I decorate accordingly. I also know that I am greatly affected by areas of the country, so I am making plans to honor that also by a move .  I am comfortable writing my poetry, even though it is very mystical in nature and most people have no clue what I am talking about much less feeling in the poems.

I know that each of us in our own way is just a journeyman traveling through life in order to grow. We stumble, fall, get up and go on. I have learned not to judge someone's stumbles. I also have learned not to judge my own.

I am constantly seeking, constantly nurturing myself, constantly growing in wisdom, albeit sometimes it feels like I am stuck in a sea of molasses. Even that is OK. I am as I am as I am. Perhaps that makes me an oddball.

Maybe oddball is just someone who is sensitive enough to see beyond the obvious. Perhaps oddball is someone who knows the sixth sense is so much more powerful than the other five. Perhaps oddball is someone who is constantly striving, growing, trying, seeking, changing, introspective, spiritual, evolving, processing, learning. Perhaps oddballs are journeymen, or perhaps even sojourners in this life. Perhaps oddballs are the ones who are genuinely happy from the inside out.

This I do know. Oddballs are trendsetters and discoverers in this world. We are the ones who not only take a different path, sometimes we even blaze a new trail. Einstein was an oddball. Columbus was an oddball. Mother Teresa was an oddball. Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King were oddballs.

So,  HSPs,  to my own thinking,  I celebrate the oddballs in life. Long may they continue to be exactly what they were created to be: Clever, self sufficient, visionary, and very, very brave.

Reprinted with permission from the author.


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"Someone asked me once if I could see angels and faeries.   I told her, 'look to the sensitive, loving,  caring ones  who bring so much to our  world and take on the sufferings of others.  They're the earth angels, sent to earth to help us on our life journey ...  This world needs all the earth-angels it can get'  ~   author unknown


"What is love?   Love is sensitivity,  love is consciousness ......The heart in love remains soft and sensitive." ~ Anthony deMello  "Awareness"  


 "There is an aristocracy of the sensitive. They represent the true human tradition of permanent victory over cruelty and chaos."   ~   E. M. Forster


"I think the veil between this world and the next is very thin for HSPs.  I believe we have the ability to sense and remember that the next world is peaceful and loving ....."    ~  Marian