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"God satisfies my mouth with good things so that I stay young and strong like an eagle."  --  Psalm 103:5


Following is some basic nutrition information in a nutshell.  However, everyone is different, and so you must experiment with foods to discover which foods help you to feel your best.  And use your intuition!  Here are some general guidelines that I think would benefit everyone.  Remember, as a rule of thumb, to eat foods the way God created them.  The less they are processed the better.

1.  Eat natural foods the way God created them  -  not overly processed  by food manufacturers.

2.  Eat whole foods, for example,  an orange rather than orange juice (though juices have their place.)

3.  Eat small frequent meals.  "Graze",  especially if you tend to have unstable blood sugar;  and never eat too  much at one time.   This puts a tremendous strain on your digestive system and your energy in general.

4.  Avoid, or cut down on white sugar, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and all other artificial sweeteners.   Try Stevia or  Blue Agave. They are both low on the glycemic scale.

5.  Try eating whole grain breads, cereals and pasta,  instead of  white flour and white flour products These items are among those which create an ACID condition in the body resulting in numerous conditions, one of  the most common being candida (yeast infection).   White flour products also have no fiber, and few nutrients.

6.  Use salt sparingly.  Sea salt is best.

7.  Use butter in moderation,  rather than  margarine or  other  hydrogenated fats.

8.  Avoid all products that have  any kind of artificial additives in them.     Read the labels!

9.  Most people are affected adversely by caffeine. Try drinking green tea, herb teas, or decaffeinated, organic coffee  instead.

10.  Eat LIVE,  preferably raw,  or properly cooked  foods.    Buy organic if possible.

11.  A low glycemic diet is best.  Most high fiber foods are also low glycemic foods.

12.  And whatever you eat, eat with mindfulness and thanksgiving!

Always remember that only nature has the power to heal,  IF given the proper nutrients which are the building blocks of the body. 

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Eat Your Veggies, Raise Your Vibration

by Jenna Avery

(used with permission from the author)

As sensitive souls, we are deeply affected by what we take in. This includes information, sensory input, the energy and emotions of other people, what we drink, and what we eat.

How we might be affected negatively by what we eat is obvious when it comes to foods we have allergies too, foods that include chemicals (like MSG), or things like alcohol, sugar, highly processed foods, and caffeine.

But we can be affected by food positively as well. In fact, what we eat makes a huge difference in our ability to function masterfully. This is because there is a vibration to everything we eat, and it affects our own personal vibration in turn.

High-vibration foods carry a natural, positive, uplifting energy. You can feel it when you eat them. They are fresh, whole, natural, organic, “sunlight” foods, grown with sustainable, clean farming practices. Vegetables and fruits in particular are naturally high-vibe foods.

My recent story:

I tend to eat very well — I choose fresh, organic, whole, natural, and unprocessed foods often. Every once in while, I’ll fall into a bit of a rut and get off track. I noticed recently that I was feeling less than my usual energy levels, and realized that I hadn’t been eating enough fresh, high-vibration foods lately, particularly green vegetables.

Part of the reason was that I simply wasn’t feeling inspired by the vegetables we were preparing and how we were preparing them, so I asked for help.

I called my best friend, and said, “I need to know your favorite veggie stand-by dishes!” She emailed them to me, and I thought I’d share them with you, too (below).

I also fished out my notes from a great book called "The Yummy Mummy Manifesto".  Anna Johnson’s book motivated me to think about vegetables (and eating) in a new way with her writing style. She uses delicious words to describe food, asking things like, “Why dump a steaming pile of chard on your plate when you can sexy it up with roasted yams, toasted sesame seeds, chopped carrots, raisins, and a mustard dressing?” Yowsa. This has become a favorite recipe of mine, though I make my version with kale, currants, and sweet potatoes.

The difference is in how she thinks about the food. I feel it in the vibration her words carry. She adds adjectives like “chunks, heaps, fresh, whole, and raw” that get my taste buds intrigued and send me to the grocery store (actually my husband does most of our grocery shopping) with visions of great vegetable dishes in my head.

How to Eat High Vibration Foods

Here’s how it works: If you not only make good food choices, but go beyond that to making high-vibration food choices, you’ll see positive results in your energy levels, mood, your ability to manage stimulation and to concentrate, and to stay grounded, present, centered.

I hear you asking, “But Jenna,  how do I do that?” Here are a few tips to choosing high-vibration foods:

  1. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits that are fresh, whole, and organic, preferably from small local farms where they are grown by people who care about what they are doing (yes, this DOES affect the vibration of the food).   If you can’t afford ALL organic, try to eliminate the “dirty dozen.” You’ll cut down on your pesticide intake by 90%.
  2. Notice how you feel after you eat something. This is doing a “vibe-check.” How is your energy? What is your mood like? If you were to rate your vibration on a scale of 1 to 10, what would it be? This will help you steer clear of food choices that leave you in a low vibration state.
  3. Keep your eyes out for superfoods like nuts, berries (blueberries, acai, gogi), raw foods (cacao nibs, veggies) and nutrient-dense foods, like lacto-fermented vegetables and kefir, and add them in where you can.
  4. Try to get at least 2 to 3 vibrantly colored foods on your plate at each meal, preferably different colors (no, brown doesn’t count). I like to have roasted beets, grated carrot salad, and steamed greens, along with a grain and a protein, for instance.
  5. Stay inspired with what you are eating by getting ideas from other people (see below), reading great cook books, and mixing and matching your veggies with other delectable treats, like fresh herbs, Celtic sea salt, nuts, seeds, cheeses, and dried fruits.
  6. If you get off track, balance the not-so-high-vibration foods with the good ones to bring yourself back into alignment.
  7. Aim to make 50 to 70% of your plate be high-vibe veggie-filled!

The best part about all this is that eating well is great self-care, and will help your intuition and sensitive radar work clearly and cleanly!

Quick Veggie Ideas to Inspire You

  • Roasted yams or sweet potatoes, lightly steamed chard or kale, toasted sesame seeds, grated carrots,  goji berries, currants, or raisins, and a mustard-sesame oil dressing.
  • Spring Pea Salad — Peas, goat cheese crumbles, onion, tomato, dill, salt, pepper, vinaigrette dressing.
  • Greens with roasted nuts, ginger, dried cranberries, or garlic and sesame oil.
  • Roasted anything — cauliflower, carrots, red pepper, onions.
  • Crunchy raw veggies dipped in hummus, roasted red peppers blended with walnuts and goat cheese, or cooked broccoli blended with plain kefir and fresh herbs.
  • Broccoli cole slaw (get or shred broccoli), or marinated broccoli salad (softens the broccoli).
  • Red cabbage salad with peanut sauce or Asian vinaigrette dressing.
  • Wilted spinach salad.
  • Eggplant pouches — boil eggplant strips in salted water, lay two in a cross shape, add basil and mozzarella, top with chopped tomatoes and onions, fold up into a pouch, and bake.
  • Add green veggies to your meal wherever you can — put cooked spinach into your polenta, or make Pasta Primavera with hardly any pasta and mostly veggies.
  • Stuff bell peppers with chopped veggies and a protein.
  • Add spinach and fajita-style veggies to a Mexican dish.
  • Roasted beet salad with feta, walnuts, and vinaigrette.
  • Grated carrot salad with unsweetened shredded coconut, toasted pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, currants and vinaigrette dressing, OR grated carrot salad with slivered almonds, chopped fresh parsley, and dressing.

Copyright 2009, Jennifer Avery, All rights reserved.

Jenna Avery
is a highly sensitive coach and intuitive who offers an original coaching program called Embrace Your Essential Self, designed to guide sensitive souls to find a deep sense of inner rightness within themselves so they are inspired to step forward and shine. Jenna is a Certified Life Coach based in Berkeley, California. She can be reached at 510.981.0697. She also offers support for sensitives in business through the Sensitive Professionals Network.You’re invited to take her free online assessment: "Is Your Sensitivity Working For You?" on her website at

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What's This About "Frequency"?

Robert O. Becker, M.D. documents the electrical frequency of the human body in his book, "The Body Electric".  

A "frequency generator" was developed in the early 1920's by Royal Raymond Rife, M.D.  He found that by using certain frequencies , he could destroy a cancer cell or virus.  He found that these frequencies could prevent the development of disease, and others would destroy disease.

Bruce Tainio of Tainio Tech. in Cheney, Washington, developed new equipment to measure the biofrequency of humans and foods.  He used this biofrequency monitor to determine the relationship between frequency and disease.

Measuring in megahertz, it was found that processed/canned food had a zero MHz frequency.;  fresh produce measured up to 15 MHz;  dry herbs from 12-22 MHz; and fresh herbs from 20-27 MHz.    A healthy body typically has a frequency ranging from 62-78 MHz, while disease begins at 58 MHz.

Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points.  Every living thing has an electrical frequency.  

Our bodies have an electrical frequency.  A healthy body has a frequency from about 62 to 78 MHz, while disease begins at 58MHz.  Foods need to be as fresh and alive as possible.  It was found that processed/canned food had a 0 frequency, while fresh produce measured up to 15MHz.  


Page Updated 6-15-09