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"The Harvest is Great; the Workers are Few"  

~  Be A Light Worker ~ 


 Having been interested in the concept of Light for many years  and having  a passion for learning about Truth,  Life,  Love,  and discovering the glories of God and His "Kingdom,"  I want to share some of what I  have learned  with you.  If  you are on the spiritual path  and are interested in  Jesus as the Light of the world,  please read on!   I hope you won't  pass this up and think it is just more "religious stuff".   

 I love to learn  and I love to teach as well.    I especially  love to spread the word that Christ is the Light of the world.    It is my conviction that Christ is the "highest" Life... the most highly evolved  being (and much more!) who ever lived...and He showed us how to live the highest Life also.   That is, to become Light and Love and live in the Reign  of Light...in the heavenly realms . 

And so like a sunflower I am always turning toward the Light and travel along the path to the Heavenly Places.  I love to spread the good news that all are children of the Light and that the Reign of God is already here.   It is only a matter of discovering this greatest of all Truths;   of believing it and receiving it! The sooner we discover this truth, the sooner we will have the Reign of God manifest on this earth.  



Here is a  quote from one of my favorite authors, Thomas Keating, from  "The Mystery of Christ:  The Liturgy as Spiritual Experience." : 

"The joy of Christmas is the intuition that all limitations to growth into higher states of consciousness have been overcome.  The Divine light cuts across all darkness, prejudice, preconceived ideas, prepackaged values, false expectations, phoniness and hypocrisy.  It presents us with the truth.  To act out of the truth is to make Christ grow not only in ourselves, but in others.  Thus, the humdrum duties and events of daily life become sacramental, shot through with eternal implications.  This is what we celebrate in the liturgy.  The *kairos,* 'the appointed time,' is *now.*

According to St. Paul,  'Now is the time of salvation, ' that is, now is the time when the whole of the divine mercy is available.  Now is the time to risk further growth.  To go on growing is to be at the cutting edge of human evolution and of the spiritual journey.  The divine action may turn our lives upside-down; it may call us into various forms of service.  Readiness for any eventuality is the attitude of one who has entered into the freedom of the Gospel.  Commitment to the new world that Christ is creating - the new corporate personality of redeemed humanity - requires flexibility and detachment:  the readiness to go anywhere or nowhere, to live or to die, to rest or to work, to be sick or to be well, to take up one service and to put down another.  Everything is important when one is opening to Christ-consciousness.  This awareness transforms our worldly concepts of security into the security of accepting, for love of God, an unknown future.
The greatest safety is to take that risk.  Everything else is dangerous."

Pp.  27-28.  Continuum, New York.  1996. 
(Bold print mine)



Be A Light in the Darkness

By Yvonne

"Be ever so careful, as you may be a child of the Light.  Wherever, there is Light, the Darkness wants to put it out.  And oh!   There is so much Darkness around.

The children, they see the Light. They see the Light and know the Light and the Light gives them hope.  However, they see it very dimly at first, as, they do not believe it or trust it.  There is so much Darkness around them.  Moreover, as they continue in the Light, their hearts open up to grow.  As their hearts open to grow, then, do their minds and they learn.  However, the Darkness does not want them to learn for as they learn they become increasingly open to the Light.  This is the way that the Light has created us to be.  We start out like a flower bud and as we receive that which we need for growth, the growth comes and we blossom. 

And oh!  The children of the Light are so ready when they are young to see the Light.  Be careful and vigilant so that the Darkness will not overtake them or you.  You are a gateway to the Light from which all Darkness flees.

Let, these words resonate in your heart, mind and spirit.  "Continually, ask for God's wisdom and guidance."  God will provide it for this is His promise to all that seek Him.

People of the Light understand intuitively.  We are scattered.  But, there are many.  We need to let the other know that we recognize them. "     

You, dear sensitive one, are a Child of the Light .




Choose The Light

" I choose Light, but too many times, it is Dark to which I surrender.
In the beginning all was Dark.  It was Light that came and conquered the Dark.  Dark will not rest until it conquers the Light to which it is always attracted.  But Light, which I choose will always win out.  I choose to be aware and know that which I choose.
As, I choose to go with the Light, I trust in the Creator to give me the strength to follow my decision.  The Creator is not only my strength but also my joy.  There is no greater to follow.  God the Creator is the Light which always overcomes the Dark."

By Yvonne C.  (4/28/02)



How to be Full of Light 

by Katy

 Health has been defined as a body that is full of Light.  You can raise the frequency of your body by taking care of it physically, emotionally, and Spiritually.  Here are some things that you can do.


Believe , receive , and acknowledge God's Life , Light and Love in  YOU

Receive Christ into your heart

Breathe the Breath of Life

Eat Whole and Live Foods

Follow Nature's 7 Doctors

Spend Time in Nature and Beautiful Surroundings

Read  and Affirm Spiritual Truths

Meditate and Commune with God

Visualize God's Healing Light in your  Body/Mind





Light Quotes


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness;  only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate;  only love can do that."  ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.



"The person who listens to Christ fills himself with light; and if he imitates Christ, he reclaims himself."    ~   St. Thalassios



Christ of Colossians, "the first-born of all creation . . . in him were created all things in heaven and earth: everything visible and invisible . . . he holds all things in unity" (Col. 1:15-17) This Christ is "the radiant light of God’s glory and the perfect copy of God’s nature, sustaining the universe by God’s powerful command" (Heb. 1:3) This is the cosmic ruler to whom "every knee should bow in heaven and earth and under the earth" (Phil. 2:10) Only the quest for such a Christ, Fox believes, can free the church from its captivity to a truncated, anthropocentric "personal savior Christianity."



"Shimmering.  Yes, Like swimming in moonlight," that is how the Cherokee Indian, Dane, describes the real world, which is the spiritual world."



"I know that Great Person of the brightness of the sun beyond the darkness.  Only by knowing Him one goes beyond death.  There is no other way to go..."    Svetasvatara Upanishad



"The night shall be no more.  They will need no light from lamps or the sun, for the Lord God shall give them light, and they shall reign forever."   Rev. 22:5



"...In one of His talks, Jesus said to the people,  "I am the Light of  the world.   So if you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, for living Light will flood your path."



"All of us with our unveiled faces, reflect like mirrors the brightness of the Lord, as we are gradually turned into the image that we reflect."
2 Corinthians 3:18


"Meister Eckhart  wrote, "As thou art in church or cell, that same frame of mind carry out into the world, into its turmoil and its fitfulness."  Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continually return. Eternity is at our hearts, pressing upon our time-torn lives, warming us with intimations of an astounding destiny, calling us home unto Itself.  Yielding to these persuasions, gladly committing ourselves in body and soul, utterly and completely, to the Light Within, is the beginning of true life. It is a dynamic center, a creative Life that presses to birth within us. It is a Light Within that illumines the face of God and casts new shadows and new glories upon the human face. It is a seed stirring to life if we do not choke it. It is the Shekinah of the soul, the Presence in the midst. Here is the Slumbering Christ, stirring to be awakened, to become the soul we clothe in earthly form and action. And He is within us all."     The Light Within._    From, "A Testament of Devotion" by Thomas Kelly.  Harper, San Francisco.  1996.  


"More and more surely we know that the day of the Lord, when nation shall not rise up against nation neither shall they learn war any more can only be brought about by us, the children of the Light.... "      Agnes Sanford, "The Healing Light"



"You are the worlds Light-a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see.  Don't hide your Light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will give praise to your God."     Matthew 5: 14-16



"Even in this life the Spirit transforms us... When Moses turned towards the Lord, his face shone in the reflection of God:  when the believer turns toward the Lord Jesus and contemplates his glorious face, he is transformed into an ever brighter image of that same glory.  And this irradiating power which transforms us into beings of light only comes from Christ because He himself is wholly penetrated by that Spirit.         Durrwell,  The Resurrection



"Let us praise Him then, for His life in our spirits increasing in us the consciousness of being His children, Light of His Light, life of His life..... How easy this becomes when we know that our bodies are made of His own energy and full of His own Light."  -   from "The Healing Light" Agnes Sanford



So the whole of the Good News of Jesus is in these two statements,  'I am the Light of the world' ,  and  'You are the Light of the world.'       ~ John Martin Sahajananda



"A truly healthy person is full of Light"      ~     Author unknown



"Fruit bears the closest relation to light.  The sun pours a continuous flood of light into the fruits, and they furnish the best potion of food a human being requires for the sustenance of mind and body."    ~   Alcott



"Believe in the Light, that ye may be the children of Light"    John 12:36



"Many are asking,  "Who can show us any good?"  Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.     Psalm 4:6


 “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light."    Matthew 6:22

"As the men watched, Jesus’ appearance was transformed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as light. "    Matthew 17:2

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Like a Sunflower  I am always turning Toward the Light



And To  The One Who Lights My Way...Along The Path To the Heavenly Places


earth.jpg earth image by hspkaty

Where Peace, Joy and Love Abound




The Mysteries Of
